You really can make a difference. 

Indeed, without your participation there will likely be no difference. This is a numbers game. The Silent Majority does not rule, save to reinforce the status quo.

Please be part of the noisy minority!

>>Job Announcement!<<


Write a letter to the County.

Write a guest opinion or letter to the editor.

Attend a County Council Meeting and Speak!

Meet with a Council Member

Repeat: your story, your message, your ASK. It is the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.



Tell us your story!

Video, audio, written, in person. Whatever works for you!

Send your story or request an interview.


actions taken checklist

Print this list and check off the action steps you have taken. Give a copy to your family members and get them to take actions. Send a copy to your friends who visit.


Begin your education! Sign petitions, weigh in on the big issues. Learn about how we got where we are and where we will go unless redirected by wise, new,  innovative, sustainable and equitable new concepts, ways of being, ways of doing.


read What others have said

As stories, love letters, comments on petitions, op/ed submissions, photos, letters to the editor, etc. become available, they will be published here. You can learn how others resonate to the preservation of these islands. 

San Juan County publishes all public comments regarding the Comp Plan update. Read general public comments regarding the Comp Plan.

To read Population Forecast comments, click the "Population" tab. (the tab background will turn from white to blue).

Getting There

There are a lot of cards on the table. It will take time to sort them out. Discuss and consider the challenges





Right now the efforts at outreach and advocacy are being done by less than a handful of locals. We are making lemonade out of lemons. We really could use some sugar. Your investment is tax deductible through Island Stewards. Please consider helping us spread the word, fund research and build community through educational events.

Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about these threatened places. Become a voice. Share materials. Send them to this web page!


join our team

Sign up!

Get on the mailing list. (your email remains totally private). Let us know what you like, what you don't like, what you can do, what you think we should do. We send occasional newsletters highlighting events, stories, actions, challenges. We need your head and your heart.






This website has been designed using squarespace by Joe Symons. Copyright 2017 Island Stewards 

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